What is Fourteen Twenty
"1420 MHz, corresponds to the wavelength of radiation produced by a quantum mechanical "spin-flip transition" in neutral hydrogen atoms. Because hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe and because 1420 MHz is a relatively quiet frequency free from sources of natural radio interference, many SETI experts think that 1420 MHz is a good place to tune in interstellar broadcasts. Would aliens reason the same way? There's no way to know, but the search has to start somewhere."
Fourteen Twenty is a combination of an expansion of The Black Book, a systematic enumerated journal of philosophical, social, and psychological perspectives in which I write on an ongoing basis. It's also the product of a cluttered mind, and an attempt to organize it and articulate my thought processes into something tangible.
Fourteen Twenty (the website) itself is a bit more chatty, and covers the occasional rant, issues and articles in politics, religion, philosophy, or just general musings. I quote from the Black Book in some postings, these are usually numbered, eg. 16.7 and so on.
I link to some great blogs with superb writers, as well as intellectual resources and I highly recommend you give them a hearty look-see.
I appreciate both positive or negative comments on my articles, in fact I relish them, so don't be shy, tell me what you think. I only ask that you leave some sort of name, even if you sign on as anonymous, so return comments can be directed to the right person. It's better than me expecting everyone to have a Google log-in.
Occasionally, the comments box becomes a forum for heated debates, and although generally speaking I don't moderate them, racist, sexist, overly vulgar and homophobic comments will be removed as a rule.
If you have any suggestions on the sites structure, content or you just want say hello, e-mail me at fourteentwenty(AT)gmail.com.
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